Geometa Helps to Manage Forestry

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The forest has beneficial effects on the environment and on the human body. Forests are used for recreational purposes through national parks, protected areas, and forests. Also, the forest is a climate-forming factor. That is why, in many countries, forest management is an integral part of state administration. Forest management is the protection, protection and reproduction of forests.

Geometa stores and provides information about specially protected natural areas, forestry regulations of lesnichestvos, forests, hunting grounds, and forest parks located on the lands of the forest fund.

Forestry areas

With the help of Geometa it is possible to keep records of citizens’ appeals to check the presence of a specially protected natural area on the land, as well as to conduct this check and form a response to the appeal based on the results of the check.

Areas of specially protected natural areas

Thus, Geometa helps to develop a system of state measures aimed at increasing the productivity, reproduction, conservation and protection of forests, as well as enhancing the culture of forest management.

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