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Urban Analytics. Shared City Photos

Urban Analytics. Shared City Photos

The tool gathers feedback from citizens, painting most compelling picture of their opinion about projects developed by city administrations.

Map using the Population tool

Urban Analytics. Number of Residents

Distributing city benefits and want to do it right? All you need is the number of people living in a particular district and our new tool of the City Analytics module. Continue reading to find out more.

Urban Аnalytics. Road Accidents

Reducing deaths in traffic accidents is an important national goal for any state. We tell you how the Road Accidents tool works and how the mapping service makes our lives safer.

Urban Analytics Module

The “Urban Analytics” Module on the Geometa Platform

How to prevent car accidents, estimate the density of cars in certain areas, find out the number of district residents — all this can be done thanks to the “Urban Analytics” module on the Geometa platform.

Precision Agriculture and Smart Farming with Geometa

Geometa has special modules for agricultural development, which helps to maximize yields, reduce expenses, use natural resources sustainably, and mitigate damage from natural disasters.

Snow Removal Monitoring with Geometa

In cities where a significant amount of snow falls, prompt cleaning of the streets is very important for the safety of residents and the economic well-being of businesses.

Green Planning of Public Spaces for Sustainable City Development

Today cities are recognizing the benefits of a green approach to urban planning to reduce air pollution and build natural environmental resilience. Today every city should work on improving green spaces and boosting the number of trees on their streets and in parks. Geometa can help successfully solve this task.

Interested In How Geometa Can
Help Your City?

Backed with Geometa, we turn cities into digital ecosystems, provide smart city management, drive digital urban development, ensuring transparency, superior quality of life, and economic growth. Let our team walk you through a personal demo!